Mariona Ferrandiz



Professional position (October 2015-present): Post-doc position at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB, Departament de Biologia Vegetal, Biologia Animal i Ecologia, BABVE) and Ecological and Forestry Applications Research Center (CREAF)

Facultat de Biociències, UAB, 08193 Bellaterra, Catalonia


tel. : +34 93 581 27 68  Office: C5b/058

Campus de Bellaterra (UAB) Edifici C
08193 Cerdanyola del Vallès (Catalonia)


About me…

I’m an evolutionary ecologist and currently an adjunct lecturer (December 2020) at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB). I obtained a bachelor degree in Biology (2009) and a master degree in Terrestrial Ecology (2011) at UAB. I did my PhD at Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 (France) with the «la Caixa » Foundation’s Fellowship Programme. During my thesis (2011-2015) I worked with the long-term Alpine marmot project. Once finished, I obtained a research and teaching postdoc position at UAB and CREAF (2015-2020). As postdoc and now as adjunct lecturer I teach in Environmental Biology and Environmental Sciences Bachelor degrees at UAB.

My research is at the intersection of three disciplines: molecular genetics, behavioral ecology and population biology. During my PhD I collected and used data from a long-term monitoring program of a wild population of Alpine marmots (Marmota marmota) from the Alps using the capture-recapture capture method and I obtained the diploma to work with wild and laboratory animals (2012). I then focused my research on The Alpine marmot project as well as on other long-term monitoring programs of wild fauna such as the Western jackdaw project, Wildlife in the changing Andorran Pyrenees, the Hermann’s tortoise project, the Edible dormouse project and Newforland. I have participated in 13 research projects in Spain and France, being the principal investigator in one of them (Third eLTER H2020 call for Transnational Access). My publication record includes 11 SCI papers (H-index of 4, source : Publons), 2 of which have > 10 citations (for a total of 51 citations). I also have 19 oral and poster communications in both national al international conferences. I have benn an external reviewer for the National Geographic Society grant proposal, reviewer for 5 scientific journals and I’m currently in the expert evaluator of «la Caixa » Foundation’s Fellowships Programme (2020). I have been involved in different PhD student advisory commitees, conference organization commitees and CREAF staff selection comitee. During my carreer I have supervised –or currently supervising- 19 Final Bachelor Projects and 10 master thesis from different universities. I designed and teached in the free MOOC course Women in Environmental Biology launched in November 2019 that has more than 4,000 students.

In 2018 I started a more personal project (Replantegem) with a team of urbanists and biologists. Our purpose is that cities will be green cities, with higher biodiversity, less air pollution and more healthy. We also want cities to be more pleasant spaces for all people and with less mobility by car, in order to also contribute in the fight against climate emergency. In 2020 I started a new stage as self-employer to grow this project.

